Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Big Bang- 3

Origin of stars.

By the time the universe was 200 million years old and its temperature had dropped so fast that it was around -2200C. (H atoms bond together to form H2 molecules now.) When the early universe emerged from the Big Bang it was uneven. It contained cracks which were filled in with swelling clouds of dust and gases such as H2 to form nebulae. Let's see what nebulae are; A huge cloud of gases and dust in the intergalactic space is called a nebula. There are various types of nebulae such as;

  • Ring Nebula
  • Reflection Nebula

  • Emission Nebula
  • Planetary Nebula
  • Stellar Nursery

These stellar nurseries give birth to proto stars. As these huge dusty gaseous clouds pull over together due to gravitational forces the clouds shrink and make a proto star. The temperature rises when the rate of collision increases as the clouds get denser. The contraction stops when the pressure is equal to the gravitational pull. Then it has two options: one is to become a brown dwarf star if the temperature needed to accelerate nuclear fusion is not reached. If it does, nuclear fusion would start over in the core. H2 is the most abundant of all gases, so two ionized H+ s { Due high temperature of the core, H2 molecules would be ionized to H+/ protons} would fuse together to form He. With the emission of the heat and radiation (energy) from the nucleosynthesis (nucleosynthesis: the process by which nuclei of chemical elements are formed) a star is born.

The formation of the alpha particle

(H) 4 p+ → 4 He2+ + 2e+ + energy( E=mC2)

This process of burning hydrogen is known as the main sequence. A star occasionally spends 90% of its life time in main sequence. When the primary burning of H2 is over the star reaches its older age.

The duration of the death of the star depends on the initial mass of the star. Larger stars have more fuel, but they have to burn it faster in order to maintain equilibrium. Because thermonuclear fusion occurs at a faster rate in massive stars all of their fuel is used during a comparatively shorter period of time. This means that bigger is not better with respect to how long a star will live. A smaller star has less fuel, but its rate of fusion is not as fast. Therefore, smaller stars live longer than larger stars because their rate of fuel consumption is not as rapid.

When a star has used up all its H2 then He comes to picture. As most of the H2 is used up there’s not enough pressure to balance the gravitational force and the core starts shrinks again. When the star regains enough pressure to start fusion of He atoms production of carbon and other light elements begin. Once ignited, helium burns much hotter than hydrogen. The additional heat pushes the outer layer of the star out much further than it used to be, making the star much larger.

3 4He → 12C + energy

With the entire He gone the lower mass stars (<.5 Solar Mass) can’t get C atoms to fuse together. They exit creating explosions called planetary nebulae and collapse into white dwarf stars.

Massive stars (> 3 Solar masses) utilize carbon burning. It was Sir Fred Hoyle who determined that stars acted like nuclear reactants producing elements heavier than H and He. Fusion reactions inside these stars release enormous amounts of energy and heat which force more atoms to fuse and create new heavier elements one after the other. Three He nuclei combine to create C, two carbon nuclei fuse to form Mg, Mg formed Ne and so on. This continues until silicon finally fuses to form iron. And the process is called stellar nucleosynthesis.

Iron is a very special atom because 56Fe has the most stable nucleus of all. Within the nucleus there are energy levels, it’s considered stable when the no of protons and neutrons are equal inside the nucleus and they are tightly bound together so that the extreme temperatures within the stars couldn’t get it to fuse together to form newer elements. Production of elements would shut down when they reach iron.

2H+ + 4He2+ → other elements { 12C, 16O, 20Ne, 56Fe} All are multiples of He

Still some of the vital elements were missing; elements that are heavier than Fe. A higher mass core in medium mass stars would create neutron stars while bursting into supernovas. When the giants stars, which had already made the lighter elements, run out of fuel their cores collapse on themselves creating incredible amount of energy in enormous explosions called supernovas. These are so powerful that they are able to fuse elements heavier than iron. This is called explosive nucleosynthesis. This is the point where most heavy elements such as uranium origin.

Basically stars can be categorized as below:

  • First generation stars: Mostly red dwarf stars which are still in the main sequence burning its primary H and He. They consist of only H and He (perhaps Li) as elements.
  • Second generation stars: giant and super giant stars which consist of lighter elements from C to Fe. Our sun is a second generation star.
  • Third generation stars: The stars which undergo supernova explosions and later turn into either neutron stars or black holes. Most blue giants are in this category.

Together these elements formed smaller bodies which orbit around the sun that later developed into planets and asteroids.

Earth is the next post to come :) TC

The Big Bang- 2

Have you ever thought where all these atoms which are the building blocks of almost everything come from? All these are results of the Big Bang: the left over excess matter after the antimatter (positrons/ anti protons)and the matter annihilated. This is what happens when matter and anti matter particles collide on to each other.

The result of the annihilation of the electron and positron creates gamma ray photons or at higher energies other particles:

e + e+ → γ

During a low-energy collision, proton-anti proton annihilation usually produces a collection of pions or related light mesons. High-energy particle colliders, like the tevtrons, sometimes collide protons with anti protons at very high energy and these collisions can produce a long list of heavy particles.

(Source- Wikipedia)

At this stage the universe was 0.7 billion years old and consisted of subatomic particles smashing into each other due to the high temperature the universe held. Then as time passed by the expanding cosmos cooled sufficiently enough for the protons and the neutrons to bind together with the help of the nuclear forces to form the first atomic nuclei H and He.

p +n 2H+ nucleus (deuterium)

2p +2n 4He2+ nucleus (alpha particle)

But still there weren’t proper atoms with missing electrons because the heat and the energy of the hot baby universe provided the electrons great amount of kinetic energy that it could not exist stably bonded to the nuclei. It took nearly 3.8 million years after the big bang to reach the temperature suitable to the creation of complete atoms. From the beginning the universe was in total darkness where light was trapped inside a thick fog of fast moving electrons. The drop down in temperature reduced the energy of the electrons and slowed them down, finally ready be bonded to create the firet atoms. This was called the Big Bang nucleosynthesis. As the dense fog was reduced with the decreasing number of unbound electrons light was released. Overtime this burst of light dimmed and cooled losing energy to become microwaves. This faint microwave radiation was picked up by Prof. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1963 which marked the critical moment of origin of the first atoms.

But the world we live in nowadays consist of more than 100 elements. Without the other elements there’s no chance for us to exist, not even planets and galaxies. To form the others the H and the He atoms had to fuse together somehow. But how exactly? To do this stars came in to picture.

See you in the next post with stars.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Big Bang - 1

Universe: It, without doubt has its own mysteries. Sometimes I feel that the mysteries it hides to itself create this magical beauty which fascinates me. One of the most interesting facts about the universe is its origin. Many hypothesis based on understandings of the modern science has been able to describe the creation of the universe. Still most intriguing and complex questions remain unanswered.

The universe began from a singularity point 13.7 billion yrs ago. The idea that the universe started at a singularity point came from the work of the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. He concluded that the universe was expanding from a few observations he made. He discovered that the galaxies were speeding away from ours and further away they were and faster they seemed to be moving. If it’s expansion which is taking place it should have begun from a single point. It gave birth to the idea of Big Bang; the model which is broadly accepted as the theory for the origin and evolution of our universe.

In the beginning there was nothing no time or space but an infinitesimally hot spot where everything was compressed to one point known as a singularity. Then it was the beginning of time: time could now flow and space could expand. Consider an ideal gas; it tends to drop down its temperature as it expands. {PV/T=K} In the same manner the baby universe began to expand, cooling itself; at the same time undergoing several changes. When t=10 -43s (plank time) physics laws became applicable. At this stage the diameter of the universe was around 10-35m, still no matter because it was too hot for mass to exist but pure energy existed as photons.

E =mC2 ( Einstein’s theory of general relativity 1915) Einstein’s equation demonstrated that mass and energy are interchangeable which described how the universe underwent further changes after the plank’s time. When temperature went down energy got converted to mass. The universe created both matter and its arch rival antimatter. When they annihilated they obliterated each other. If matter and antimatter completely annihilated each other the universe would consist only of energy. But there was an asymmetry between the amounts of matter and antimatter, this tiny imbalance led to the formation of all the matter in the universe that formed all the galaxies, stars, planets, etc.

See you later with the rest in the next post! :)