Universe: It, without doubt has its own mysteries. Sometimes I feel that the mysteries it hides to itself create this magical beauty which fascinates me. One of the most interesting facts about the universe is its origin. Many hypothesis based on understandings of the modern science has been able to describe the creation of the universe. Still most intriguing and complex questions remain unanswered.
The universe began from a singularity point 13.7 billion yrs ago. The idea that the universe started at a singularity point came from the work of the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. He concluded that the universe was expanding from a few observations he made. He discovered that the galaxies were speeding away from ours and further away they were and faster they seemed to be moving. If it’s expansion which is taking place it should have begun from a single point. It gave birth to the idea of Big Bang; the model which is broadly accepted as the theory for the origin and evolution of our universe.
In the beginning there was nothing no time or space but an infinitesimally hot spot where everything was compressed to one point known as a singularity. Then it was the beginning of time: time could now flow and space could expand. Consider an ideal gas; it tends to drop down its temperature as it expands. {PV/T=K} In the same manner the baby universe began to expand, cooling itself; at the same time undergoing several changes. When t=10 -43s (plank time) physics laws became applicable. At this stage the diameter of the universe was around 10-35m, still no matter because it was too hot for mass to exist but pure energy existed as photons.
E =mC2 ( Einstein’s theory of general relativity 1915) Einstein’s equation demonstrated that mass and energy are interchangeable which described how the universe underwent further changes after the plank’s time. When temperature went down energy got converted to mass. The universe created both matter and its arch rival antimatter. When they annihilated they obliterated each other. If matter and antimatter completely annihilated each other the universe would consist only of energy. But there was an asymmetry between the amounts of matter and antimatter, this tiny imbalance led to the formation of all the matter in the universe that formed all the galaxies, stars, planets, etc.
See you later with the rest in the next post! :)
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